The Life Saving Power of High Performance CPR
Incorporating High Performance CPR techniques into your resuscitation efforts, will improve outcomes and help you save lives
Paul McFarlane
10/8/20232 min read

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone's heartbeat or breathing has stopped. It involves a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain oxygen flow to the body's vital organs until advanced medical help arrives. While traditional CPR has long been a vital tool for first responders and laypersons alike, High Performance CPR has emerged as a game-changer in recent years. If you've not heard of this concept before, let us give you a quick overview of why it is becoming so important, and how it is significantly improving survival rates for victims of cardiac arrest.
Importance of High Performance CPR
Increased Survival Rates:
High Performance CPR differs from standard CPR in its emphasis on quality over quantity. It focuses on providing high quality chest compressions with minimal interruptions. Research consistently shows that high Performance CPR significantly improves survival rates. Why?
Maintaining Blood Flow: Effective chest compressions maintain blood flow to the brain and other organs, preventing tissue damage and increasing the likelihood of survival.
Minimising Interruptions: High Performance CPR minimises interruptions during chest compressions, which is crucial for maintaining adequate perfusion.
Proper Compression Depth and Rate: Guidelines recommend compressing the chest to a third of it's depth, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute to optimise blood circulation.
Improved Outcomes for Bystanders:
High Performance CPR is not limited to healthcare professionals; it is also increasingly being taught to laypersons in public CPR training courses. By equipping community members with the skills to perform high Performance CPR, we empower bystanders to act swiftly and effectively during cardiac emergencies. This means that more bystanders can take immediate action before professional help arrives, further increasing survival rates.
Reduced Brain Damage:
During cardiac arrest, the brain is extremely vulnerable to oxygen deprivation. High Performance CPR helps maintain oxygenated blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of brain damage. For every minute that passes without CPR, the chances of successful resuscitation decrease significantly.
Integration of AEDs:
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are often used in conjunction with high Performance CPR. AEDs analyse the heart's rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electric shock to restore a normal rhythm. High Performance CPR ensures that the heart is ready to respond to defibrillation and can significantly increase the chances of success.
Quality Training and Practice:
High Performance CPR training emphasises the importance of regular practice and skill retention. Continuous training and re-certification ensure that responders maintain the necessary skills and confidence to perform high-quality CPR when it matters most.
Real-World Impact:
High-performance CPR has real world success stories. Many survivors of cardiac arrest owe their lives to the timely and effective administration of high-quality CPR by trained individuals. The impact on families and communities cannot be overstated.
High Performance CPR is more than just a technique; it's a life saving skill that can make a profound difference in cardiac arrest outcomes. By prioritising quality chest compressions, minimising interruptions, and ensuring the proper rate and depth, we can increase the chances of survival and reduce the risk of long-term damage.
Learning high Performance CPR and staying up-to-date with training is a commitment to saving lives. Whether you're a healthcare professional or a concerned citizen, the knowledge and confidence to perform high-quality CPR can be the ultimate gift of life to someone in need. In emergencies, every second counts, and high-performance CPR is a vital link in the chain of survival.