The latest AEDs - are there any potential issues?

The latests AEDs are compact and inexpensive, but what are the potential downsides with the new technology?


Paul McFarlane

3/4/20233 min read

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are life saving devices that are increasingly available to members of the public and can be found in locations such as shopping centres, on public transport and at sporting fields. They are used to deliver an electrical shock to the heart of individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest to try and revert the heart to normal rhythm and function.

The new Aussie made CellAED defibrillator is a recent innovation in this field that claims to be highly effective in delivering life-saving shocks to those in need. In this blog, we will explore the effectiveness of the CellAED defibrillator and the discuss some controversies surrounding this innovative new product.

The CellAED defibrillator is an incredibly compact and lightweight device that is designed to be easy to use even by non-medical personnel. It comes with a built-in battery and electrodes that can be placed on the chest of the patient to deliver an electric shock. The device is programmed to automatically analyse the patient's heart rhythm and determine if a shock is necessary. If a shock is needed, the CellAED defibrillator will charge up and deliver the shock within seconds.

One of the main advantages of the CellAED defibrillator is its portability. The device can be easily carried around in a backpack or a first aid kit, making it ideal for use in outdoor activities, remote areas, and public events. Additionally, the CellAED defibrillator is available at an incredibly cheap price point of just AU$359, which makes this life saving technology more accessible than ever before.

At Responder Wear we are BIG fans of members of the public having access to life saving medical equipment and technology that can positively impact a patient’s condition whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive. However, the effectiveness of the CellAED defibrillator has been the subject of some controversy, particularly with regard to the joules delivered in a shock. Joules are units of energy used to measure the strength of an electric shock. The amount of energy delivered in a shock is important because it can affect the success rate of defibrillation. Some studies have suggested that higher joules are required to successfully defibrillate certain patients resulting in a slightly higher chance of survival, while others have found that lower joules are just as effective.

The controversy arises from the fact that the CellAED defibrillator delivers a fixed amount of energy in each shock - 85 joules. Whilst this is within the range of energy levels recommended by current guidelines, some experts argue that 85 Joules is more akin to a paediatric dosage and may struggle to defibrillate some adults depending on their size and weight. We won’t enter into that debate too heavily in this blog, except to draw attention to the joules generated by other established and clinically proven AED brands. You can see the maximum energy levels and recharge times of other AEDs in the following table:


  • Maximum Joules 85j

  • Shock Charging Time <25 seconds

Heartsine 350/360p/500p

  • Maximum Joules 200j

  • Shock Charging Time 8-12 seconds

Lifepak CR2

  • Maximum Joules 360J

  • Shock Charging Time 7-13 seconds

The other controversy with the CellAED, is the limited shelf life of the product – 13 months from the manufactured date. Early indications are that customers seem surprised that they will need to replace their AED every 13 months, compared to the more expensive AED offerings which have an 8 year warranty and 4 year shelf life on the pads and battery. To manage this issue, CellAED offers a monthly AU$15 subscription service which will allow purchasers to get a replacement device every 12 months which works out at AU$180 per replacement.

Despite these controversies, there is no doubt that the CellAED defibrillator has the potential to save lives in emergency situations. Its portability, ease of use, and advanced features make it a valuable addition to any first aid kit or household emergency plan.

We will be keen to hear how this AED performs in the field, especially in light of the 85 joule output in this device, however we hope that the promised lifesaving capability is there. If so, we will be getting behind this new technology and encouraging more and more people to carry their own personal AED when out in public.